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  • The 30 Most Brilliant Tricks of All Time for Organizing Your Fridge and Freezer

    Tuesday, April 30, 2019   /   by Steve Smith

    The 30 Most Brilliant Tricks of All Time for Organizing Your Fridge and Freezer

    Organizing your fridge and freezer is an art. These two spaces are the most prone to spills, tumbles, and forgotten-about elements that will spoil and get gross over time. Anyone who excels at organizing these spaces deserves a medal. For everyone else, there’s list list of 30 tips.

    1. Label everything.

    Especially in the freezer, which is where leftovers often go to die. Make sure to include the date and what’s inside. Because you might not recognize what’s in that container three months from now (even if you think you will).

    2. Store meat on the fridge’s lowest shelf.

    There’s always a chance that a package of meat can leak. If that package is on the top shelf, that means meat juice could drip down onto everything that’s below it. Put the meat on the bottom-most shelf and you’ll minimize the mess.

    Read more about organizing your Fridge and Freezer

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